Do you remember our very big fundraiser for 50 thermal imagers?! Well, here’s a report on the delivery of
Категорія: Без категорії
Hello everyone! Let’s get straight to the point. Earlier, we told you about the repair process for the
Today, we are celebrating a small but meaningful occasion — the second anniversary of our official
We are reporting on the transfer of various devices to our defenders. The cold and gray days are back, so
Greetings, our dear friends! Today, we want to report on the transfer of high-quality gear. What? Sturm
Today, we laid to rest a member of our team and a friend – Lys. He was someone who, despite everything,
In honor of the closing fundraising for the UAV, we have prepared an article for you, where we described
When a person is “on the edge,” they are capable of seemingly incomprehensible actions that push the
Do not keep you waiting for a long time) and return with a report on the transfer of anti-debris
Now let’s move on to the main one. Our big fundraising for extra protective equipment is finally closed!
We wish you good health! You probably might have forgotten by now, but it means there will be a pleasant
And here we are, and our military, who have already received 30 M-Tac collars with ballistic packages
We were a bit confused about what title to choose. Since this has never happened before. You know that
The transfer of protective ammunition to our military did not have to wait long. We try to be fast as
We are happy to inform you that thanks to you, we have closed a very important fundraising for all of us.
And again, welcome! You thought we said it all, but here we are again. With you, friends, we have
In the last post, we didn’t have time to say goodbye to you, because we weren’t done yet) We transfer the
Recently we wrote that soon there will be a report on the transfer and greetings to our defenders. Then
We added a little speed and reached the finish line…the fundraising is closed, and we sincerely
According to traditions that stretch back to childhood, regardless of faith, we all subconsciously and
Our next stop was a meeting with soldiers from the 21st Brigade of the A4219 special-purpose military
The fundraising is closed, and the necessary items have been purchased. It’s time for the transfer. We
Welcome! Yes, you read it right, we have closed the collections, specifically the last two. We are
Now the first snow is flying by. There is a taste of the New Year in the air, but, unfortunately, it is
Do you remember how the fundraising was closed (thanks to you, by the way) on the Autel EVO II Dual 640T
We break in without “hello” and “hi” because have great news! Cool guys from the 138th Special Purpose
PART 1 Today we will share with you the story of a Fin from the operational battalion named by Hero of
PART 2 Hello, everybody! Every day we see fundraising for a wide variety of military items. Sometimes it
As we said, the last reminder to collect on the “eyes” was really an opportunity to jump into the “last
And again we are with an unexpected report. Because thanks to our friends who super quickly helped us
Today we come to you with a bit unusual report, so to speak, about personal assistance. Namely, a soldier
Probably, somehow it sounds interesting to you to “report on help” — as if there was no fundraising.
We are happy to inform you that the fundraising for guys from the 3rd Battalion of the 31st Separate
Thanks to our collective efforts and your help, we managed to raise the necessary 174,000 hryvnias
The empire tried to Russify Ukraine for centuries, instilling a sense of inferiority. This primarily
There is an interesting science known as toponymy. It is the study of geographical names, their origin,
“They say in the unit that Baron should be honoured with a monument while still alive, because no
Нарешті це сталося! Довго збирали, але разом закрили це питання. У першу чергу хочемо подякувати всіх за
Finally, it happened! We have been gathering for a long time, but together we closed this issue. First of
Кожна людина є індивідуальністю, проте якщо дивитися вище, то всі ми представники складної системи
Every person is an individual, but when viewed from a higher perspective, we are all representatives of
Сьогодні день автоматично вдалий, адже ми не гаяли час та вже не тільки закупили декотрі позиції з
Today is automatically a good day because we didn’t waste time and have already bought some items
Читаючи новини про війну та, фактично, споглядаючи її у реальному часі можна частинно уявити, наскільки
Reading the news about the war and effectively watching it in real time, one can partially imagine how
Today we are telling you how we joined the elimination of the enemy. Specifically, we helped the sniper
Сьогодні розповідаємо вам, як долучилися до ліквідації ворога. А саме — допомогли хлопцям-снайперам у
6 травня в Україні відзначали військово-професійне свято — День піхоти. Піхота є найдавнішим родом
On May 6th, Ukraine celebrated the military-professional holiday – Infantry Day. The infantry is
Нещодавно збирали на додатковий захист наших захисників. І от ділимося його передачею у Дружківці. М-Тас
We recently gathered additional protection for our defenders. And now we share its delivery in
Продовжуючи нашу рубрику «Записки з фронту» про невигадані історії наших захисників, про які неможливо
Continuing our series “Notes from the Front” about the real stories of our defenders, which
Якщо починати п’ятницю, то тільки з таких новин Хочемо щиро подякувати всіх, хто долучився до цієї,
If we’re starting Friday, it should only be with such news! We want to sincerely thank everyone who
Сонячного недільного ранку, 9 квітня, ми провели наше перше заняття з користування зброєю у Києві. Під
On a sunny Sunday morning, April 9, we held our first gun usage class in Kyiv. During this, we talked
Russian occupiers received warm greetings from Texas. And we, along with our warriors from the assault
Російським окупантам передали гарячі привітання з Техасу. А ми та наші воїни зі штурмової бригади
1 квітня у місті Корюківка ми провели перший тренінг зі знайомства цивільних зі зброєю. Під час зайняття
On April 1st, we conducted the first training on familiarizing civilians with firearms in the city of
Сьогодні ми продовжуємо нашу рубрику розповідей військових про їхнє буденне життя на війні (попередній
Today, we continue our series of military stories about their everyday life in war (previous text here).
Хочемо щиро подякувати Maria Smirnova, яка зі Сполучених Штатів Америки надіслала десять турнікетів
We sincerely want to thank Maria Smirnova, who sent ten next-generation tourniquets from the United
Поспішаємо повідомити, що тепловізійні приціли вже у сталевих хлопців зі «Сталевого кордону»
We are excited to announce that the thermal vision scopes are now with the steel boys of the “Steel
Минулого року явище війни сприймалося як факт із далекого минулого. Суспільство могло певною мірою
Last year, the phenomenon of war was perceived as a fact from the distant past. Society could somewhat
Пройшов тренінг з поводження зі зброєю і первинної тактики бою для наших новоприбулих військових. Взяли
Completed training on weapon handling and primary combat tactics for our newly arrived soldiers. We
Офіційно зареєструвавши фонд, ми не гаяли часу й вже у січні вирушили до зони бойових дій на сході.
Having officially registered the fund, we did not waste time and already in January headed to the combat
Найближчі плани: перший офіційний запит на фонд виконано: купили 12 коліматорних прицілів у Польщі;
Upcoming plans: The first official request to the fund has been fulfilled: we purchased 12 collimator
Нам важливо відзвітувати за 2022 рік. Ми ще діяли не як фонд, а як команда однодумців, людей зі спільною
It’s important for us to report on 2022. We acted not as a fund, but as a team of like-minded
Поки ми дороблюємо сайт і відкриваємо рахунки, розкажемо трохи про себе. У Благодійний фонд “Armed Kit”
While we are finishing the website and opening accounts, let’s tell a bit about ourselves. The
Charity Foundation Armed kit
United, we approach victory faster! Let's support Ukrainian soldiers together!